Artwork Requirements
Start with
Good Artwork
We have set out a few guidelines to help you supply artwork that will be print ready and usable.
We hope these help you understand how to supply great qualiy artwork…
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When designing for print the first question is the type of software and file type you want to use. We recommend using a Vector based software such as Adobe Illustrator
We also recommend saving all finished artwork as ai or pdf file formats.
Vector software will ensure that the quality of your finished product is higher than is achievable with a raster based artwork file.
When artwork is created using Adobe illustrator it makes it easier for our Design Studio to manipulate if required before going to print.
Don’t panic if your artwork doesn’t meet the criteria above our design studio will be happy to assist you with all your requirements.
Artwork should be setup with the print and cut processes in mind.Label printing allows a great deal of precision on your artwork, however its worth bearing in mind that the process of printing and cutting your labels may result in small movement of the artwork in relation to cutters. For this reason we recommend that all artwork is supplied with bleed.
BLEED is an area that goes beyond the edges of the label size which allows for any movement on the press and guarantees that the label does not have a white edge once printed.
We recommend that all artwork is supplied with 3mm Bleed,
This means that your artwork will be 6mm wider and taller than the required area.
The first thing to check before exporting artwork is that all images have been embedded. Failure to do this will mean that they will be missing when the file is opened at a later stage.
We also recommend that all text is converted to outlines, if this isn’t done before exporting they will be missing if the new operators system doesn’t have the relevant fonts installed.
Below is an example of how you should go about saving files from Adobe Illustrator.
- Select all > Type > Create Outlines
- File > Save as or File > Save a Copy
- Type a filename, and choose a location for the file (desktop etc)
- Choose illustrator (.ai) or (.pdf) as the file format and click Save
- In the illustrator / PDF options dialog box, set the desired options and click ok
We hope you find the
above information helpful.